Friday, June 03, 2005

Penguin Love

Now I have two.
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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Have you felted your penguin today?

I have. Yes, that is correct grammar. Look:

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Either my knitting was too loose, or my yarn was to fine, but he had a bunch of holes where the stuffing showed through. It was making me crazy, so my son and I gave him a bath (after I carefully unstuffed him). Pinguino (thanks Dora) is recovering nicely.

For the second penguin I'm making (for the baby), I'm going to use 4.5mm instead of 4mm needles and felt him down even more. I'm loving the felted look (plus it means I can use my bamboo dpns instead of the monstrous aluminum straights).

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It's a penguin

I got my order from knitpicks yesterday-

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On the left is the merino style in butternut (top), cinnamon, nutmeg, storm and fog. On the right, the andean silk (which will be for "Under the Hoodie" from SnB) in sangria, lettuce, and navy.

My 2.5 year old (that's his hand on the right edge of the picture) quickly adopted the merino style, carting it around on his trike, and hugging it like it was his firstborn child. I wrestled it from him, with the promise of making him a penguin with it. And so I spend the better part of yesterday knitting, and this morning finishing, this:

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He requested a brown one specifically. He gets that from his dad.